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from the crystalGuyde:
One thing I get asked quite often is 'is using crystals evil?' This is an odd question to me as a Wiccan since I do not believe in the concept of "evil." So for me I translate this question into 'is using crystals ethical?'
The answer is a resounding YES. Crystals and stones were formed hundreds of million years ago and have been used for direct energy and vibrational healing for millennia. It is as if each piece of smokey quartz on this planet is connected to the Smokey Quartz Universal Consciousness and each piece of aventurine is connected to the Aventurine Universal Consciousness. This goes for any stone or crystal. When we use a crystal or stone, we are tapping into the Universal Consciousness that has programmed the piece to do a specific job.
Crystals and stones are always used as adjunct therapies and are never meant to be a replacement for proper medical diagnosis, treatment and care.
We often use stones and crystals without thinking. That is, if we feel an energy blockage, or your friendly crystal therapist feels an energy blockage, you would use the crystal and stone appropriate to the chakra to break up this blockage. This is using crystals and stones in an ethical way. There is an intent added to the energy of the crystal or stone and it is directed toward the benefit of the person involved.
Crystal therapy takes years of study and practice. Some people are gifted and others need a lot of practice. What is crucial is the intent of the crystal therapist; or your intent on why you are using the crystals and stones. Be very clear on this.
For instance, you can always use crystals and stones to assist in tarot readings. While doing a tarot reading have a large clear quartz crystal so that you are able to focus on the task at hand and the story the cards tell is clarified.
You can also use crystals in magickal workings. In new moon or full moon rituals, use many crystals and stones appropriate to your intent on these special days.
Can crystals and stones be used for "bad" purposes? The answer is NO. Remember that each crystal and stone has a job to do and it is our responsibility to examine our intent when using them. If I have a nasty intent and try to use a crystal to further that, the effects of the crystal's negative workings will return to me threefold. But most critical of all, crystals and stones have a inborn safety mechanism. Being born of the Mother, they can carry only Divine Light Energy and simply cannot be used for negative purposes; they override the maleficent directon of the user. They would break or chip if used with nefarious intent: they literally sacrifice themselves rather than broadcast one's hurtful, harmful frequencies.
Don't look to crystals and stones to "do" anything negative for you. They simply will not. Each carries only Divine White Light energy frequencies and can do nothing else, as much as an ill-intended person may try to force it.
Crystal blessings,
Crystal Guyde
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