Thursday, February 25, 2021

Crystal and Stone Grids

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What are crystal and stone grids? Crystal grids are an arrangement of energetically-aligned crystals in a sacred geometric shape charged by intention for the purpose of manifestation.  The power of crystal and stone grids comes from the frequencies of combined special arrangements of crystals and stones; which ones you use and how you lay them out depends on your intentions.  You may have an intention of well-being, abundance, healing, or protection. You're magnifying the energetic properties of the crystals and stones, and getting them to work together in a synergistic way for the intention of manifesting your dreams, goals and desires.  

(above is a protection/cleansing grid with clear quartz crystals to amplify the black tourmaline)

When working with crystal and stone grids, the first step is to be clear about your intention for the grid.  If you wish to manifest a specific something, perhaps write it down on a piece of paper.   If your intention is healing, pick a central stone relevant to the issue at hand.  Or the purpose of your grid could be more generic like the protection of your living area or to secure employment in the field you desire.  Your intention can be anything you truly need or general self-improvement.  If you can think of it, then you can make a crystal and stone grid to amplify the frequencies of the stones and the request it of the Universe.  

(above is a self-love grid with quartz crystals to amplify the energies of rose quartz: note that quartz terminations are not pointing outward to send energy away but they are level to make energy circle and return to the rose quartz heart)

Depending on your intent, choose your stones and crystals.  Remember to layer the frequencies so that all can work together in harmony and strength.  Most crystal and stone grids include a center stone, surrounding and amplification stones, and any objects of importance related to your intent. If you're needing self-healing, review your rose quartz, kunzite, pink calcite, pink tourmaline, green tourmaline, watermelon tourmaline and other self-healing stones.  If you're intention is the manifestation of a certain thing, select crystals and stones that support what you wish to manifest.  Perhaps you are intent on manifesting financial abundance.  If so, choose crystals and stones that support that intent such as citrine, pyrite, green aventurine, abundance quartz, etc. and perhaps have a copy of your resume handy to use in the center.  If communication is related to your intent, don't overlook aquamarine, blue topaz, gold tiger eye, etc.  The combinations are endless, but be certain that each crystal and stone is of similar frequency and related to the chakras involved.  Use your intuition to select the crystals and stones from your collection that you would like to use in creating the grid.  

Hint: have plenty of double-terminated clear quartz crystals on hand.  Energy must move back and forth, out of your grid into the Universe and back into your grid from the Universe.  Double-terminated clear quartz will be certain the energies are flowing in both directions and there are no blockages.

(above is a manifestation grid, with citrine at the center with a business card, supporting stones of pyrite, turquoise, citrine crystals and jade, with double terminated quartz crystals to allow the intent to flow outward and the response from the Universe to flow inward) 

It goes without saying, but make certain your stones and crystals have been cleansed before you use them in any type of grid.  You want cleared and clean crystals and stones to hold this new energy form you're creating.

Now take your crystals and stones and using sacred geometry, lay them out.  Think of a shape that best suits your intention.  If you wish for self healing, place a center stone (e.g. rose quartz) in the middle, and arrange supporting stones in a spiral.  Be certain the termination of the crystals are all pointed toward the stone in front leading to the center stone.  You want energy to come into the spiral to the main stone and knowing that energy flows from the base of a crystal out through the termination is important here.  

(above is a pink tourmaline spiral self-healing grid with rose quartz at the center, supporting stones of pink tourmaline and morganite, alternating with quartz crystals with terminations inward toward the spiral energy)

Perhaps you wish to request and manifest a need to the Universal forces.  If so, maybe a starburst pattern would appeal to you.  For instance, if your intent is to manifest monetary abundance, you would place citrine, perhaps, in the center and related supporting stones and crystals radiating outward.  Don't forget just as you are sending energy outward, you want it to return to you, so be sure that there are crystals with their terminations pointing inward to your center stone.  However, if you are gridding with the intent of protection, you do not want energies to return to you.  In this case, all terminations of crystals would be pointing outward.

(above is a small protection grid with black tourmaline at the center, black tourmaline crystals radiating outward, supporting stones of amber and hematite, and three large clear quartz crystals with terminations pointing outward)

How does it look?  Does a spiral or starburst feel right to you?  Does a square shape feel better?  Do you need a different center stone to act a the anchor?  Do you need a center stone at all?  Are the surrounding stones amplifying your intent?  Do you need more?  Do you need fewer?  Are the crystal terminations pointing the correct way?  Rearrange the crystals and stones to suit and when it feels right, leave it alone.  The energies have synched and are working in harmony to bring about that which is your intent.

(above is a third eye/crown chakra activating grid with amethyst as a center anchor, lapis as supporting stones and many double terminated quartz crystals since we want the intent of the grid to go out to the Universe and energy to return to the main stone)

Many people like to "activate" their grid by stating their purpose and intent.  This is great.  It gives the grid a signal to 'go forth' and carry out your stated intent.  You may say a positive affirmation to connect with your grid and give it the activate signal.  Use your intuition in this.  Perhaps each time you walk past your grid you smile and acknowledge it.  This is a great way to keep connected to the intent of the grid.   Be sure your grid is out of the way but open to doing its job as you intended.  It's best to put it in your sacred space or altar, but perhaps a coffee table will do as well.  

Remember the mantra "where thought goes, energy flows" so really choose your crystals and stones wisely.  This is extremely important in creating effective crystal grids.

Crystal blessings,

Crystal Guyde

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