Thursday, March 25, 2021

tuning in/programming

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            YOUR CRYSTAL

From the crystalGuyde:

Hi everyone, I've had a request to write about tuning in to your crystals and how to program them.  First, let's be clear.  Each crystal was born with a certain job to do and it will always do that job.  Rose quartz will always accelerate self-love; you cannot program it to do anything differently and smokey quartz will always neutralize negative energy.  That being said, however, you can indeed program two specific crystals; a clear quartz Channel Crystal and a clear quartz Transmitter Crystal.


A Channel Crystal is a single crystal that has a natural seven-sided face with a three-side face behind it.

These crystals are the easiest to tune into and program.  The seven-sided face represents the seven attributes of human consciousness; love, knowledge, joy, freedom, peace, manifestation and unity.  The three-side face directly opposite symbolizes the integration of mind, body and spriity as they connect with and strengthen the seven-sided face.  A Channeling Crystal helps you attain connection to the ultimate source of knowledge, allowing you to better channel information from the Universe.  These master crystals are great to use if you need an answer to a specific question.


The second easiest crystal to program is a Transmitter Crystal.  You can recognize a transmitter easily since it is a 7-3-7.  That is, there is a three-side face between two seven-sided faces.  These represent personal power held in balance by the energy of perfect order.  On their own, they are great tools for clarifying, simplifying and refining your ability to communicate with just about anything on any level.  They connect the third dimension directly to higher dimensions of existence.  As the name implies, they transmit energy to and from the Universe itself.

What is programming?  How do I do it?  Why would I want to?

Programming either of these master crystals is sending your thoughtforms into the crystal so it can broadcast the energy out into the universe on you behalf.  For instance, perhaps you need more insight into a complex personal problem.  A Channel Crystal would be chosen so that you can send the question to the Universal energies and receive a direct answer.  Or, perhaps you are in need of employment.  Then, you could choose a Transmitter Crystal, program it, and allow it to broadcast that energy far and wide.  

Channel and Transmitter crystals come in all members of the quartz family: amethyst, ametrine, citrine, clear, rose and smokey quartz.  For purposes of programming, choose clear quartz.  It's clarity will assist your thoughtforms are clear and precise and will clearly be broadcast to the Universe.  

Now, think very carefully about what you want or need assistance with.  It may be simple or it may be complex.  It the situation is complicated, perhaps break it down to its core question or need.  If you need an answer right away, choose a Channel Crystal to work with but if you need energy to be sustained, try using a Transmitter Crystal.  Be very clear on your wants, needs and desires.  The clearer you are, the clearer the transmission and the faster the manifestation you seek.  Remember the saying 'garbage in, garbage out?'  The Universal energies can't guess at what you are doing, you must be precise.

Visualize if you can that which you wish to clarify or manifest.  Feel it.  Remember that emotions exist on the fourth dimension and they have their own energy.  You can't see them, but they are powerful.  You can't see battery energy and yet when the flashlight is on, you know it's being powered by that battery.  The same with thoughtforms.  The clearer you are, the higher the vibrational rate of energy on the fourth dimension.

With a Channel Crystal, bring the seven-side face to your brow chakra.  Allow the thoughtform to leave your energy system and be absorbed by the crystal.  Let go, the crystal now has your thoughtform programmed into it.  With a Transmitter Crystal, bring the three-sided face to your brow chakra and send your thoughtform energy into the crystal.  Let go and know the frequency is being held by the crystal.  

Another way to program is to meditate on the issues above and visually stare at the crystal until you feel it is time to release the thoughtform from your energy system into that of the crystal.  Use, whichever method makes the most sense to you.  

When you 'let go' of the thoughtform, the vibrational energy built up within you transfers to the vibrational field of the crystal.  You no longer need to keep thinking of the issue since the crystal has been programmed with your intent.  Allow it to be.  Trust in energies you cannot see and frequencies you cannot hear.

If you feel intuitively that your Channel Crystal wants to 'speak' with you, be still and silent and hold the seven-sided face to your brow chakra.  Allow any feelings or images to be absorbed from the crystal.  Was your question answered?  Did you receive the information you needed?   If not, allow the Channel Crystal to continue working.  With Transmitter Crystals, your intent is continuously sent out into the Universe so it's not as easy to know when to halt the process.  If you programmed the Transmitter with a specific task and it has manifest, then the process is complete.  But if the Transmitter is still broadcasting, allow it to do so until your thoughtform has manifest on the third dimension or you receive the information you need to move on. 

Remember friends, clear quartz Channel Crystals or Transmitter Crystals are the easiest crystals to program and you must be clear on your intent and thoughtforms for the fourth-dimensional energies to be accurately received by the crystal and the Universe.  When the programming has been completed, be absolutely certain to cleanse and clear the crystal to use in the future.  If not cleared, the crystals will continue running the thoughtform program and we don't want that.  There is a beginning, a middle and be certain there is a definite end of the programming process.

Be well

Crystal Blessings,

Crystal Guyde

PS-Remember that I look to you for inspiration.  What would you like me to write about?  What are your questions?  What should I tackle next?  Leave a comment to let me know please.

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