Thursday, February 4, 2021

Crystals and Stones for Worry, Anxiety and Fear

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From the CrystalGuyde:

Hi Everyone,

With the continuing rise in coronavirus infections, we are all fatigued, worried, scared, and living in a world of the unknown.  There are crystals and stones that can assist you diminish fear and worry and keep you as calm as you can be as we all weather this crisis.

Covid 19 has been taking up most of our time and energy so I wanted to address the issue of self-care.  Every day we are bombarded with fear-inducing news.  We can't turn it off but we can cope with it.  Self-care may get lost amid all the medical information we receive, so after your daily medical news update, turn off your tv and your phones to spend half an hour on your own mental, emotional and spiritual self-care.

Surely keep updated so you know what's going on, but never forget that in the midst of this epidemiological crisis, you must also practice self-care.  If you can, spend time meditating, connecting with your Higher Self, Higher Consciousness or even go outward to connect with Universal Consciousness.  Perhaps you live near a forest area.   Spend some time outdoors connecting to nature.  Enjoy the scent of the pine needles or laugh at squirrels chasing fallen leaves before the snowflakes begin to fall.

In holistic healthcare, we layer frequencies.  Self-care for you may include a televisit with your doctor, a Reiki session and an  hour of yoga or meditation.  Since I'm a Certified Crystal Therapist, I'd like to chat about adding crystals and stones which you probably already have to dispell anxiety, stress and fear and act as your 'rescue stones.'  These seven stones can easily be added to your daily practice of self-care.  They can be used together or alone. 

First you will want to get your favorite AMETHYST.

Not only is amethyst known as the stone of spiritual development, but it is one of the best meditation aids around.  Amethyst is calming and quickly helps in connecting you with your Higher Self and Universal Consciousness.  Simply holding amethyst is effective in alleviating anxiety and it imparts calmness, serenity and peace of mind.

Next I'd recommend you reach for and hold on to your


Rose quartz vibrates with the heart chakra and is the master at promoting self-love and self-healing.  It directs your energies inward to promote self-love and balances the heart to dispel negative emotions such as anxiety, worry and fear.

The third crystal you probably already have is 


A smokey quartz crystal or tumbled piece will absorb negative energies, whether self-generated or accumulated.  Smokey Quartz acts like a negative energy air cleaner, absorbing to itself stressful, anxiety-ridden or fear-based energies.  In this way smokey quartz can be a fast-acting anxiety and stress reliever, bringing you an emotional calmness by dispersing fear and anxiety.

Another great stone to work with is LEPIDOLITE

Lepidolite gets its medium purple color from included lithium.  We know that lithium is often prescribed for those who have bipolar disorder to balance extreme moods.  Holding a piece of lepidolite in your receiving hand can quickly assist in managing stress and anxiety when you feel overwhelmed.

Another fast-acting stone is BLUE LACE AGATE

If you don't already have a piece, it's very easy to find.  This stone is banded with differing colors of pastel blue chalcedony.  The blue is instantly calming and holding blue lace agate can impart a soothing effect to an overworked mind as it calms and relaxes stressed out nerves.  Blue lace agate unlike other agates is considered a water stone, so allow its gentle waves to wash through you, taking all fear, worry and anxiety with it.

When we're first faced with a frightening situation, our fight or flight response wants to kick in.  Certainly with the coronavirus pandemic we're all dealing with some amount of fear.  This is where AMBER can be of great assistance.  

Amber is often said to be a stone of protection.  Amber contains the natural anti-inflammatory succinate.  It is well known to restore a feeling of well-being and relieve stress and anxiety and fear, so don't overlook this unassuming fossilized tree resin as a good friend in our daily self-care routine.

While the stones above tend to be the "rock stars" in relieving anxiety, stress and fear, let's not forget 


It's a very effective crystal for calming as it opens our feet chakras so all pent up negativity can be released directly into Mother Earth.  Black tourmaline grounds within ourselves the effects of all the other stones we've just talked about.  It is stabilizing and centering.

Each of the seven stones just mentioned work together very well so you may want to hold a few or have them nearby on your desk or put one in your pocket and play with it during the day or you may want to make a crystal grid.  Please do remember to cleanse the stones you've used.  Crystals and stones do their jobs non-stop, and when we talk about stones to absorb stress, anxiety and fear, they can be in desperate need of cleansing after we've used them and they've shared with us their beneficial vibrational frequencies.

Crystal Blessings


There's more on Pinterest too.  Just search and follow crystalGuyde on Pinterest for extra information.  Thanks.

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