Thursday, January 21, 2021

Crystals and Stones for a Creative/Productive Work Space

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from the crystalGuyde:

        Crystals and Stones for a

    Creative & Productive Work Space

With a lot of us working from home during the coronavirus pandemic, we face many distractions from the phone ringing to the desire to just watch some tv to balancing childcare and household chores.  

You know already that your home work space ought to be cleared from clutter and away from the busy centers of the house.  A place with minimal noise, where you can close the door and not be distracted by children, spouse or the temptation to just watch a little television.

Here are a few stones and crystals that can help you be more focused, creative and productive in your home office.


Sodalite is a dark blue mineral that forms in masses and is often carved into spheres, pyramids or sculpture.  In your home office, you need to concentrate on your work, you need to be focused.  Sodalite is a master at facilitating logical thinking for the task at  hand.  It also assists in multi-tasking.


When you're in your office you need to keep many things in order; ideas, schedules, etc.  without getting distracted.  Fluorite can help you with this.  Fluorite is known to aid clear thinking and the retention of thoughts.  Having fluorite around can assist you to be very well-organized so it's a fantastic stone to use in your home office environment.


The orange microcrystalline stone carnelian resonates with the sacral chakra; the chakra of production.  Carnelian stimulates creativity for new and ongoing pursuits and it helps us maintain motivation.  It improves concentration and reduces the affects of extraneous and distracting thoughts, keeping you focused on the task at hand.


Our good friend labradorite can be of great help in our home office as well.  Given the play of colors in labradorite, it greatly assists us in creative pursuits.  If you're stuck and need a new idea, look to labradorite to get the imagination going.


Though you may be at home in your office alone, you still are involved with others to achieve a workplace goal.  Tiger eye keeps your enthusiasm up so you're not too bored staring out the window.  What tiger eye is really good at is in helping us sort through details and complete tedious tasks.  It helps us take these details and guides us to make sense of the whole.  When working alone it reminds us of our individuality.  You may have plenty of zoom conference calls to make and need to introduce some new ideas to the group.  Tiger eye gives you the courage to do just that, while not ruffling the boss's feathers.


To be honest, working from home isn't all it's cracked up to be.  There are distractions and we crave the social environment of work; we need to interact with our coworkers.  It's natural to get bummed out and frustrated.  This is where our good friend smokey quartz comes into play.  Remember that smokey quartz acts like a vacuum cleaner for negative energies.  If you're working alone and get stuck trying to do something that would be so much easier at the office, you're going to get frustrated.  Let smokey quartz be your home office workspace "freshener" and absorb all those anger, bored, and frustrated energies into itself to keep your space clear.


When working alone we need to maintain self-discipline, stick to our schedules and focus on our work.  This is where our great friend clear quartz comes into play.  Clear quartz is a must for any home office.  It will help us focus your energies to the tasks at hand and it will amplify the energies of any other crystal or stone around it.  When in doubt, be certain that you at least have one clear quartz crystal in your workspace to help you maintain focus and clarity and energy.


Many of you may be new to ogonite.  It's a man-made resin with crystals and metal shavings embedded then poured into molds to make pyramids, blocks and other shapes.  This unique material was studied by Wilhem Reich in the early 20th century and he discovered that orgone energy is a space cleanser.  Like smokey quartz, it gathers to itself negative energies and transmutes them to positive energy.  Orgonite is fantastic at absorbing the EMFs emitted by our electronic devices.  Since our home office is likely to have a computer, printer, clock, laptop and telephone, give organite a try and see if it helps your home work space stay clear of messy energies.  I use for high quality pieces (no commission for me if you look at her site; just a friend of mine).

These are just a few crystal and stone recommendations.  You know what works for you.  Depending on your line of work and what your home office space looks like, select the stones and crystals that support what you are doing and what you wish to achieve.  Remember to use your intent as a guide to select the proper crystals and stones to support you and your space.  This may vary from day to day depending on the tasks you need to achieve, but let it always be your guide.

Crystal blessings,

Crystal Guyde

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