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From the CrystalGyde:
Best Stones for
Seasonal Affective Disorder
When the days get shorter and the nights longer, many of us have a neurological reaction to the fewer hours of daylight called seasonal affective disorder (SAD for short). SAD is very different from depression as it only affects sufferers during the shorter days of winter. “Many people go through short periods of time where they feel sad or not like their usual selves. Sometimes, these mood changes begin and end when the seasons change. People may start to feel “down” when the days get shorter in the fall and winter (also called “winter blues”) and begin to feel better in the spring, with longer daylight hours.” (from the National Institutes of Health website)
NOTE: Only a professional medical provider can diagnose you with Seasonal Affective Disorder. This blog is not a diagnostic site but offers suggestions on which crystals and stones to use as adjunct therapies to lessen the symptoms of SAD.
While we can’t make the Wheel of the Year turn faster, we can add crystals and stones to our daily routine to help with the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder.
Amber is a powerful aid during the dark time of year: its inner warmth guides us through darkness. Amber clears our mind from the fuzziness the shorter days may bring. It’s golden yellow color helps us in times when we feel defeated and stressed. We may ask 'will this be over?' or 'when will I feel normal again?' Amber’s warmth promises us that we can make it through the winter and post-solstice the joy of longer days is just a couple months away.
Crystal Guyde
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