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From the crystalGuyde:
Hi Everyone, I've received a request to discuss what crystals and stones help during Mercury retrograde time. Three times a year, the planet Mercury appears to travel backward across the sky from its normal orbit. It's not really moving backwards, but since it's orbit is much faster than Earth's the two orbits are not in sync and it just looks as if the planet of communication is moving backward. In astrology, these retrograde times are when to expect issues with communication and technology. Think of undelivered bills, spam emails, typos in resumes, technology issues, and messed up travel plans.
During these times of the year, try to remain flexible, patient and understanding. Allow extra time for travel and avoid signing new contracts. Double and triple check your emails and stay on top of travel plans. Review any projects and plans at this time but wait til Mercury is direct to make final decisions. Plan ahead, have back-up plans and be ready for people's frustration and miscommunication.
But don't get too stressed; life cannot stop just because a planet appears to be moving backward in the sky. There are crystals and stones to aid us in the stressful, frustrating and plain old annoying times of Mercury retrograde with its quirks.
FLUORITE fights the electromagnetic waves coming from phones, computers and other electric equipment. It stabilizes these energies that may be getting influenced by the planet of communication. FLUORITE specifically 'fluffs' our aura as well, keeping it sealed, clear and close to the body. Remember that SHUNGITE and SMOKEY QUARTZ are also excellent choices for protecting and clearing the EMF vibrations which may be affected by Mercury.
SODALITE is one of the communication stones, vibrating to the frequency of the throat chakra. Since communication seems to get mixed up during retrograde periods, SODALITE helps you find your voice and helps you say clearly what you mean. BLUE TOPAZ and AQUAMARINE are also excellent choices for clarity in verbal communications.
With things getting stressful and seemingly not working out easily, it's easy to get frustrated or impatient. This is where MOONSTONE comes in. Emotions can run high and it helps keep you calm and regulates mood swings when something does go wrong and you get annoyed. LEPIDOLITE and LITHIUM- INCLUDED QUARTZ are also fantastic crystals to have on hand to help with anxiety-producing Mercury retrograde situations.
AMAZONITE is going to help you see all sides of the issue, thus stalling frustration and anxiety. Ok, so an email didn't come when you were expecting it or perhaps a bill didn't arrive in the mail. Remember that everyone is affected by Mercury retrograde. AMAZONITE will help you persevere through these hiccups. It helps you communicate your thoughts and feelings succinctly and clearly. Basically, that's the best you can do. (FLUORITE and BLUE TOPAZ above are also masters at clear logical speaking).
Our great friend CITRINE is back. If things are just never working out during a Mercury-retrograde period, remember that it's only temporary. CITRINE brings us a warm friend feeling and helps us remember we can manifest anything, including a calm demeanor and stress-free experience. CITRINE boosts your mood and motivation and rebalance when things get rocky. As we learned earlier blogs, SUNSTONE can lift your mood as well.
If things are going a bit whacky for you, grab onto BLACK TOURMALINE. It's grounding energies are made for Mercury-retrograde periods. If you're feeling vulnerable and unsafe (remember that driving during retrograde periods is a little more dangerous as well) then the protective nature of BLACK TOURMALINE will do wonders. HEMATITE is also a great stone for grounding.
Mercury retrograde periods are temporary; we've all lived through them before without even knowing what was happening. Now that we're integrating crystals and stones into our daily life, we can be prepared for any turmoil Mercury wants to turn up. Forewarned is forearmed as they say. Remember that this too shall pass.
Hint: those born during Mercury retrograde seem to have a much better time and are hardly affected. Check to see if you were born during a Mercury retrograde or Mercury direct period.
Crystal blessings,
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