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From the CrystalGuyde:
Crystals and stones helpful for Samhain
(Halloween for non-Wiccans)
When looking for crystals or stones remember to select the
right tool for the job. Just as you’d
look in your toolbox for the proper screwdriver or wrench, when you search in
your crystal toolbox, keep in mind the occasion and your intent while selecting
crystals and stones to mediate with, decorate your altar, do spellwork, or
sleep with for the night.
On Samhain, the Wiccan New Year, we sense the barrier between
the seen and unseen is very thin and it’s possible to traverse between the
two. You may have spirit visitors during this time or you
may wish to venture safely into other worlds and seek. As the Wheel of the Year turns, and we can’t
do anything about that, know that the barrier between worlds is never as thin
as it is at Samhain. If you have a
special project that needs tending at this time of year, these are among the
crystals and stones I recommend you have at your disposal.
Silver Sheen Obsidian
Smokey Quartz
Smokey Quartz is a crystal of silicon dioxide that has been exposed to radiation to give it a brown colour. Smokeys come in all shades of brown, some are so dark they look black. On the one hand by their colour they represent the unknown world, they are gateways to the mystical. On the other hand no other dark crystal holds as much Light as a smokey. It is both mysterious and friendly. This form of quartz crystal is known for absorbing any negative energies and helps with meditation and grounding: actions which are very powerful at Samhain.
Labradorite (and its twin stone Spectrolite) are iridescent
feldspars which in the right light show a rainbow of colours. This amazing stone stimulates the brow chakra
and highlights intuition and psychic talent and divination. This is an especially helpful stone to work
with during Samhain rituals.
Rainbow Moonstone
Clear Quartz
Black Tourmaline
As the energies of Samhain surround you and you experience a shifting of time and experience when the veil between the worlds is so thin, black tourmaline keep you grounded in your physical body. It opens the feet chakras to integrate all you experience within yourself at the close of any meditation or ritual. Black tourmaline is the best grounding stone around so make use of it as much as you can.
Samhain Blessings to
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