Tuesday, August 22, 2023

How to Cleanse, Clear and Recharge Your Crystals & Stones

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From the Crystal Guyde:

    How to Cleanse, Clear and Recharge
    Your Crystals & Stones

This is a question I get asked very often.  Using crystals and stones for healing purposes or other working means you're allowing the vibrations of the crystal to integrate with the vibrations of your physical, emotional and mental bodies.  As you heal, the crystals and stones are doing their job by sharing their frequencies with you.  Crystals and stones are tools that work non-stop.  They do what they are supposed to do and frankly, they get tired.  Or, if the crystal or stone is absorbing, they get full of your junk.  You benefit, but the stones and crystals need to be cleansed and cleared of whatever energies they have picked up and recharged after giving their vibrations to you to aid in your well-being.

It's a good habit to get in to cleanse your crystals and stones after you've worked with them.  If you've used fluorite, for example, to absorb blockages in any chakra, it needs to be cleansed.  If you've used clear quartz and citrine in some magickal workings which have run their course, they need to be cleansed.  If a crystal or stone has just been lying around for a bit without you paying too much attention to it collecting dust, it needs a periodic cleanse.

There are some really easy ways to do this.

First, all crystals and stones love to be in full sunlight.  After a therapy session or healing event, put the stones and crystals you've used in direct sunlight.  This could be a windowsill or in summer right outside.  If you've selected a crystal to help you get through the day, it needs to be cleansed as well.  

A word of caution is in need here.  Never put amethyst, fluorite, or celestite in direct sunlight.  The trace elements that give these crystals their unique colors are disrupted by UV radiation and sadly, all color will be leeched from your crystal and it will turn grey.  However, these crystals love being cleansed under moonlight.  So find out when the next full moon is, make sure it's a cloudless night, and bathe these crystals in the light of a full moon.

Another way to cleanse your crystals and stones is to lay them on a piece of selenite.  As we've seen, selenite is an absorbing stone: it will absorb any negative energies a crystal or stone has picked up from its environment.  This method works really well if you're a crystal healer and you use your stones and crystals all day like I do.  But, when I have a day off and it's sunny, all the stones and crystals I've used, including the selenite go in sunlight.

Another easy way to cleanse and clear your crystals and stones is to pass them through the cleansing smoke of white sage.  This is an excellent way to cleanse many stones at once and isn't dependent on the weather outside; just your working smoke alarm. 

Allow the sacred smoke to swirl around the crystals and stones for a perfect cleansing and clearing ritual.

A fast and easy way, also not dependent on weather conditions, is to place the crystal or stone under or in running water.  If you live by a stream, put the pieces in the running water and say a prayer.  If you don't have moving water nearby, you can always turn on the tap of your sink and hold the stone or crystal under the running water and say a cleansing mantra.

Similar to this, crystals and stones seem to enjoy rain and violent weather.  So if it happens to be raining, you can put your working stones and crystals outside to get a bath of pure rain water.  Caution: selenite, calcite and fluorite are water sensitive crystals so avoid the water method of cleansing with these stones.

A final easy method is to simply hold the stone or crystal in your hands and with focused intent, say a cleansing mantra.  Make up the words that make sense to you, just be sure to focus your intent on cleansing, clearing and recharging your crystal or stone of all negative energies, generated or accumulated, consciously or unconsciously.  Thank the crystal or stone for sharing its energies with you.

And there you are.  Six easy methods for cleansing, clearing and recharging your crystals and stones.

Crystal Blessings,

Crystal Guyde

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