Saturday, September 7, 2024

Optimism & Positivity

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From the Crystal Guyde:



Let's face it: life isn't always easy and it's difficult to maintain feelings of optimism and positivity.  When things just aren't working out, we get down but struggle doesn't need to be a part of every day. Here are two stones and a booster crystal to help maintain feelings of optimism and positivity in your daily life.  Throw them both in your pocket when things just aren't going right.


Chrysoprase acts as an 'emotional cleanser' so you can brush aside negative feelings and manifest joy, happiness and optimism.  Its beautiful green color encourages you to have a more positive outlook on life even when it seems pretty difficult to do so.  Chrysoprase encourages self-love (works great with rose quartz) and reinforces that you have what it takes: you can indeed have what you want, need, deserve, and desire.  This beautiful stone promotes self-confidence (great with golden tiger eye) and keeps away feelings of anxiety, depression and co-dependence.  By doing so, chrysoprase increases feelings of self-worth and promotes joy and happiness.  It brings forth the Universal truth of a love of life and its possibilities, amplifying energies of optimism and positivity.


Covellite is another copper-based mineral with a highly metallic luster. Its indigo color has earned it the nickname of blue silver.  Covellite can act as a psychic stimulating stone for the brow chakra.  It assists in bringing conscious dreams and hopes into three-dimensional reality. Instead of getting down, use Universal energy with intent to manifest miracles in your life. Covellite helps access the Universal creative source within each of us to maintain feelings of optimism and positivity in daily life.  It helps you accomplish your goals by clearing out patterns of negativity, thus allowing for positivity and creative anticipation to come through.


Our best friend clear quartz is back for a visit.  Always remember that clear quartz amplifies the energies of any other stones and crystals.  In this case, clear quartz will increase the energies of chrysoprase and covellite and send those energies far and wide out into the Universe.  Your positivity and optimism will be rewarded as the Universe responds in kind to your hopes and dreams to be made manifest.  Never despair, help to maintain optimism and positivity is only a stone away.

Hint: add PYRITE to the mix; it helps you look on the bright side of life when things get messy.

Crystal blessings,

Crystal Guyde

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Lemurian Crystals

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With everyone throwing around the term 'Lemurian' these days to sell crystals, I've had a request to accurately describe true Lemurians, how to identify them and work with them.  Follow me on a short journey.

The term "Lemurian" was first used by Katrina Raphaell (I highly advise reading her amazing breakthrough books) to describe a unique quartz crystal that was presented on the market.  The term "Lemuria" of course is a reference to the land of Lemuria.  Many people feel Lemuria exists today on a different dimension while others believe it existed millennia ago in the area of the Hawaiian Islands.  These unique quartz crystals were first discovered in the Diamantina Mine in Brazil but today they are being discovered at the foothills of the Himalayas, other mines in Brazil, Columbia and even California and Arkansas, USA. 

These crystals look like quartz laser wands with some huge identifying exceptions.  They are tapered in the extreme and on alternating sides there are ladder-like ridges which are very prominent.  (You should never have to look for them, they are very obvious.)  Other Lemurians have alternating clear and frosted sides, but still exhibit a tremendous taper as they move from the base to the termination.  The faces are rather small compared to other quartz crystals.  The MAIN characteristic of a true Lemurian crystal is that is has rough, prominent, horizontal striations on alternating sides which you can see and feel.  

The low down is that the people of Lemuria programmed these specific crystals with information.  Unlike Atlantean crystals or Open crystals where a triangle (or several) on the face(s) indicate the crystal is programmed with information, the Lemurian faces are clean and the records are on the side ladder ridges.  This signifies the encoded information.  

Lemurian crystals quickly become the best friend of energy healers.  Their vibration is extremely high and they are considered an ascension crystal so high is their frequency.  

There are Amethyst Lemurians, Golden Healer Lemurians, and even Smokey Lemurians.  These colors are dependent on the elements that were in the environment when the clear quartz was growing.  

Crystal workers are attracted to Lemurians because of their powerful energy and excellence in aiding in spiritual development work.  These crystals are incredibly important as they are encoded with messages and were programmed prior to being put in the ground for safekeeping.  This is very true of the Lemurians coming from the Himalayan Mountains as they have some of the highest frequencies ever experienced.  So high is their vibration that many people become ill when near a true Lemurian (like we discussed when being near moldavite).

So given this, how do we use Lemurian crystals?  First given their very high vibrations they are extremely protective crystals.  With one sweep they can clear a large space of any and all negative energy.  

But in emotional self-healing the Lemurians are deeply loving and gentle and can strengthen concentration and balance emotions.

Lemurians can allow for contact with the Divine when you meditate with them.  Run your thumb up and down a striated side to unlock the programmed information.  Many times you'll discover that you stop at the same place on the same side of the crystal.  That's great.  It means there is information in that record specifically for you at this time.  Go with it and allow your etheric body to absorb this information.  It may not happen on the first try, but keep at it and eventually the Lemurian will allow you to access the programmed information if it was meant for you to receive.  Persist in working and meditating with the crystal and you will be rewarded.  

To sum up, the main way to use Lemurians is to meditate with them.  Hold them, feel them warm up and rub the sides to unlock the programmed information.  Allow any messages the stone has to penetrate the chakra system and embrace this information.  If you are clairaudient, you may actually hear the crystal communicating with you as well as feeling its vibration.

True Lemurians are easy to recognize, are extremely high in vibration and tend to attract crystal healers.  They quickly become very personal crystal companions.  

If you feel attracted to the description of Lemurians and what they do, see if they are attracted to you.  Be mindful of their high vibrations though, so have a piece of black tourmaline ready just in case you're thrown for a loop when handling a Lemurian.

Check out Exquisite Crystals on the right for high-quality true Lemurians.

Crystal blessings,

Crystal Guyde

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Quartz Crystals Explained

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How do crystals actually "work?"  What do quartz crystals do?  To begin with, let's look at the geology of quartz crystal.  Hundreds of millions of years ago when the earth was still forming the geothermal activity produced crystals of all kinds, based on elements in the environment.  In the case of quartz, the building blocks are Silicon and two Oxygen atoms.  The chemical formula which is the basis of quartz is SiO2.  No, crystals are not rocks.  Rocks are amorphous and have no distinctive qualities, whereas crystals are very specific.  The definition of a crystal is "a solid substance having a natural geometrically regular form with symmetrically arranged plane faces."  That definition is rather precise.  Different crystals will have different 'symmetrically arranged plane faces' and this is how you can always tell each species from another.  Quartz crystals will always have six sides and six faces whereas garnets will have twelve or twenty four sides and tourmaline will have three sides and seven faces at the termination.  These regular crystal forms (or 'habits') are an easy way of identifying crystals in a family.  

As we explore quartz crystals, we see that as long as there is silicon and oxygen in the environment, they will continue to grow.  Perhaps at some time in their life, these elements are no longer available: when that happens the crystal stops growing until the reintroduction of the elements.  So the more silicon and oxygen consistently in the environment will give us larger crystals.  If there is a small amount then we get a smaller crystal.

That's all well and good, but how do they actually work?  Well folks, we remember from science class that nothing is really solid; it's just a bunch of atoms tightly packed vibrating really fast which gives the illusion of something being solid.  This vibration is called a frequency.  Different crystal families have different vibrational frequencies.  Usually we can't see the energy dispersed by these crystal frequencies but Seymon Kirlian discovered a way to photograph energy emanating from all organic matter.  

He photographed what we now call the "aura" of organic items.  The aura is the energy emitted.  This energy emission was crucial in Marcel Vogel's radio experiments using quartz crystals to provide energy as well as his investigation into early computer energy and storage issues.  Without these scientific breakthroughs, your quartz movement watch wouldn't exist, our computers wouldn't work and our radios would never stay on one channel.  

During his experiments Vogel became convinced that quartz crystals were a different kind of life form, emitting different frequencies capable of doing different things.  Though you can't see this energy, you can feel it.  I guarantee it.  Take a quartz crystal and point it at one of your palms.  If nothing happens, try the other palm.  What is happening is that the energy emitted by the crystal through the termination is activating your palm chakra.  You may feel heat, cold or a pulse.  The palm in which you feel the most is called your receiving hand.  This is the chakra that receives energy from your environment.  

Putting all this together; the frequency, vibration and energy of different stones and crystals together for therapeutic purposes is the province of the crystal healer which takes years of study. 

Clear quartz is made of Silicon and two atoms of Oxygen.  It is pure SiO2.  

However, what happens when another element appears in the environment while the crystal is growing?  If trivalent iron is in the growing environment, these atoms will intersperse with those of the growing crystal and turn the clear quartz into a beautiful shade of purple. This is how we get amethyst.  It's chemical formula is SiO2 + Fe3.  

Now that the additional element of iron is added and the color is naturally changed to purple, it's vibrational frequency changes.  Now it resonates to the crown chakra energy center of the human being.  

If regular iron is in the environment, the crystal turns a shade of yellow and we have citrine.  It's formula is SiO2 + Fe.  Likewise, the yellow color now changes the frequency to resonate with the solar plexus energy and the secondary crown chakra color of gold.

When magnesium or titanium enter the environment, our crystal turns a lovely shade of pink and rose quartz is born.  This pink color emits a frequency corresponding to that of the heart chakra.

When a crystal is growing in an environment where there is natural radiation (perhaps radon gas or uranium crystals are nearby) our crystal turns a shade of brown.  Depending on the amount of natural radiation the crystal is exposed to, the shade of brown will be lighter or darker and we have smokey quartz.  This life exposure to radioactivity (not harmful to humans) is an indication of what smokey quartz does, which we've discussed at length.

So now you know how crystals are born, what causes the different colors of the quartz crystal family and you can experiment with feeling the energy emitted by the different members of the quartz family.   Different colors emit different vibrations which resonate with different energy centers of the human being.  Remember the colors of the chakras and that 'like goes with like.'  A pink or green crystal or stone will resonate to the heart center and a blue crystal or stone will resonate with the throat center, etc.  Each crystal and stone has a job to do and is literally programmed into it at its birth.

Remember dear readers, if you have any topics you'd like me to cover, just let me know via email (to the right) and I will make a special blog post about your topic. 

Crystal Blessings,

Crystal Guyde

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

How to Cleanse, Clear and Recharge Your Crystals & Stones

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From the Crystal Guyde:

    How to Cleanse, Clear and Recharge
    Your Crystals & Stones

This is a question I get asked very often.  Using crystals and stones for healing purposes or other working means you're allowing the vibrations of the crystal to integrate with the vibrations of your physical, emotional and mental bodies.  As you heal, the crystals and stones are doing their job by sharing their frequencies with you.  Crystals and stones are tools that work non-stop.  They do what they are supposed to do and frankly, they get tired.  Or, if the crystal or stone is absorbing, they get full of your junk.  You benefit, but the stones and crystals need to be cleansed and cleared of whatever energies they have picked up and recharged after giving their vibrations to you to aid in your well-being.

It's a good habit to get in to cleanse your crystals and stones after you've worked with them.  If you've used fluorite, for example, to absorb blockages in any chakra, it needs to be cleansed.  If you've used clear quartz and citrine in some magickal workings which have run their course, they need to be cleansed.  If a crystal or stone has just been lying around for a bit without you paying too much attention to it collecting dust, it needs a periodic cleanse.

There are some really easy ways to do this.

First, all crystals and stones love to be in full sunlight.  After a therapy session or healing event, put the stones and crystals you've used in direct sunlight.  This could be a windowsill or in summer right outside.  If you've selected a crystal to help you get through the day, it needs to be cleansed as well.  

A word of caution is in need here.  Never put amethyst, fluorite, or celestite in direct sunlight.  The trace elements that give these crystals their unique colors are disrupted by UV radiation and sadly, all color will be leeched from your crystal and it will turn grey.  However, these crystals love being cleansed under moonlight.  So find out when the next full moon is, make sure it's a cloudless night, and bathe these crystals in the light of a full moon.

Another way to cleanse your crystals and stones is to lay them on a piece of selenite.  As we've seen, selenite is an absorbing stone: it will absorb any negative energies a crystal or stone has picked up from its environment.  This method works really well if you're a crystal healer and you use your stones and crystals all day like I do.  But, when I have a day off and it's sunny, all the stones and crystals I've used, including the selenite go in sunlight.

Another easy way to cleanse and clear your crystals and stones is to pass them through the cleansing smoke of white sage.  This is an excellent way to cleanse many stones at once and isn't dependent on the weather outside; just your working smoke alarm. 

Allow the sacred smoke to swirl around the crystals and stones for a perfect cleansing and clearing ritual.

A fast and easy way, also not dependent on weather conditions, is to place the crystal or stone under or in running water.  If you live by a stream, put the pieces in the running water and say a prayer.  If you don't have moving water nearby, you can always turn on the tap of your sink and hold the stone or crystal under the running water and say a cleansing mantra.

Similar to this, crystals and stones seem to enjoy rain and violent weather.  So if it happens to be raining, you can put your working stones and crystals outside to get a bath of pure rain water.  Caution: selenite, calcite and fluorite are water sensitive crystals so avoid the water method of cleansing with these stones.

A final easy method is to simply hold the stone or crystal in your hands and with focused intent, say a cleansing mantra.  Make up the words that make sense to you, just be sure to focus your intent on cleansing, clearing and recharging your crystal or stone of all negative energies, generated or accumulated, consciously or unconsciously.  Thank the crystal or stone for sharing its energies with you.

And there you are.  Six easy methods for cleansing, clearing and recharging your crystals and stones.

Crystal Blessings,

Crystal Guyde

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Heart Chakra Crystals & Stones

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from the crystalGuyde:



The heart chakra is associated with the vibrational frequencies of pink and green.  Think of the heart chakra as a beautiful pink flower with an emerald green center.

When we get emotionally hurt in any way, it affects our heart.  If we are put down or criticized they say we "take it to heart" and that's exactly what we do.  The effects of such negative energy can block the heart chakra.  When we have a fight with a best friend, when we are dumped by a partner, when we're left out of a group activity, or when we feel we just don't know how to love our heart chakra is tremendously affected.  We shut down and forget to love ourselves.  Our self-care is swept aside as the heart hurt continues.  

Imagine enduring the trauma of abuse as a child.  All those feeling of loneliness, worthlessness, sadness, and anger are held in our heart chakra and in my experience, is the second most blocked chakra in our vibrational field.

Here are some stones and crystals that will guide you toward self healing, self loving and eventual empowerment.  They can be used together in a grid or placed directly on your heart chakra, or pick one  that speaks to you and put it in your pocket to play with during the day.  


Pink calcite, as with all calcite, is an absorbing stone.  The color matches the heart chakra so pink calcite will begin to dissolve any blockages of the heart chakra.  It is very gentle and won't force the issue but slowly and effectively it break up any misguided frequencies that are blocking the full use of our heart chakra.


Our good friend rose quartz makes another appearance as the premier stone of self love and acceptance.  When the heart chakra is blocked, we cannot love ourselves, we are overly critical, we compare ourselves to others, and we simply don't accept who we are.  Rose quartz arrives on the scene to gently nudge us toward self love and self acceptance.  We are perfect as we are and rose quartz quickly becomes a great friend who reminds us of this.  Rose quartz is not a fast-acting stone, it is gentle and long-acting.  Everyone needs a piece of rose quartz in their crystal self-care toolbox.


Morganite is the peach/pink variety of the beryl family.  It cleanses and activates the heart chakra and is very protective.  When we lack self love, our heart chakra shuts down: it is blocked by accumulated negative frequencies.  Morganite begins the activation of the heart chakra to unconditional love...even of ourselves.  Think of morganite as your grandmother.  She puts her arms around you and provides a safe space for you to do work on heart healing.


Watermelon tourmaline combines the two colors of the heart chakra into one.  It is an intense opener of the heart chakra and strengthens it.  It will unlock any frequencies blocking the full use of the heart chakra and guide you not only to love yourself but also to spread love outward.  Watermelon tourmaline adds more dynamic energy to the gentler-working heart chakra stones of pink citrine and rose quartz.

While working with the stones above to heal and open the heart chakra, issues of trauma may arise that need to be dealt with before further healing can occur.  This is totally natural, so to help you through any trauma that may arise, have a piece of LARIMAR ready to guide you through the tears and pain of remembered but buried emotional pains.

Working with these stones can make a huge difference in how we perceive ourselves.  With a strong heart chakra we feel empowered to love ourselves and love others.  Remember that it's okay to love yourself: that is the natural energetic frequency of the heart chakra.

Crystal Blessings,

Crystal Guyde

Monday, January 9, 2023

aura crystals

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From the crystalGuyde:

        LET'S TALK 


We've all seen them for sale in crystal shops,  metaphysical stores and online.  But what exactly are "aura" quartz crystals?  They have a shimmering iridescence and metallic rainbow sheen in interesting colors and can be quite intriguing.  

These begin as clear quartz crystals and with modern technology, a mist of atoms of precious metals are bonded to the crystal's surface by a process called atomic vapor deposition (AVD) or chemical vapor deposition (CVD).  This creates a permanent bond of the precious metal to the clear quartz crystal and creates a unique iridescent metallic appearance.  Crystals are placed into a vacuum chamber and heated to over 800°C at which point a vapor of precious metal(s) is added which then coats the crystal and its atoms bond to the surface.  Metals most often used are gold, silver, platinum, titanium, iron, magnesium, and nickel.

Many believe that the combination of clear quartz with these metals creates a "new" energy and intensifies that found in natural clear quartz.  Differing metals create different colors and certain metaphysical attributes have been given to these aura quartz colors. Each colour has its own set of magick properties alongside its coating of precious metal. Some say that because of this it creates a completely different vibratory energy than the clear quartz alone which emanates from the different colors created to stimulate the relevant chakra associated with the color of the aura quartz.  The metals intensify the effect of the clear quartz while adding an extra oomph of energy by virtue of the color created and the metal(s) used to create it.

Many healers say the unusual colors created by this method emit new sets of energies to expand consciousness and heal the physical and spiritual bodies and even raise the vibration of the original clear quartz.  It's said that aura quartz posses unique energies which come from the combination of clear quartz with gold, silver, platinum, and titanium.  This bonding technique creates an extremely thin layer of color over the clear quartz so be careful not to chip these unique man-made creations.  When chipped you can see the underlying clear quartz.

So, let's have a look at different kinds of aura quartz and what attributes they have.

Aqua Aura Quartz  is clear quartz with a coating of gold.  It is light blue which connects us to our higher self, allowing us to speak honestly with clarity of mind.  It removes insecurities and aids in communication and empowerment.

Titanium (Rainbow) Aura is quartz with a gold and titanium coating.  Some call this the "stone of Universal Light" indicating that these aura quartz crystals activate, balance and cleanse all the chakras, as well as amplify energy, enhance creativity and psychic endeavors.  It brings a positive outlook and vibrant energy into our lives.  Rainbow Aura quartz is said to be a master healer for any dis-ease.

Angel Aura quartz which is also called Opal Aura or Unicorn Aura quartz.   It is a quartz crystal with a coating of silver and platinum.  People indicate this type of aura quartz crystal has a calming effect and brings inner peace and confidence, bolstering our intuitions.

Rose Aura quartz has a platinum coating which creates a raspberry metallic sheen.  This is said to emit the vibration of unconditional love and help you understand your spiritual purpose, clearing the mind by deflecting any negative energies. It is uplifting and gentle and helps with questions of self-worth.  It guides us to unconditional love of Self.  

Amethyst Aura (Lavender Aura) quartz is one that is coated with a combination of platinum, magnesium and silver.  These iridescent purple crystals can give feelings of wholeness, happiness and joy.  It is said that they channel nature spirits and attract fairies.

Champagne Aura crystals are pale gold in color by virtue of being coated in gold and iron.  These crystals can act as a purifier by removing blockages and allowing inner vibrations to become calm.  It's said these aura crystals can stop negative thinking and protect against unwanted energy.

Tangerine Aura (Sun Aura) quartz has a coating of gold and iron oxide on it.  It's vibrant orange can awaken the brow chakra and heal symptoms of trauma or shock.

Tanzine Aura (Indigo Aura) quartz is coated with gold, indium and niobium.  Its tanzanite-like color deepens your abilities of perception and clarifies your intuition.  It's great for psychics.

Apple Aura has a coating of nickel and gold giving it a pale yellow/green appearance.  This is said to give you a positive outlook and stabilize emotions, while promoting mental endurance.  

Flame Aura quartz has titanium and niobium bonded to clear quartz, creating deep blue, violet and gold colors. This is used in spiritual initiations and rituals, helps in meditation by creating a multi-dimensional energy shift.  It stimulates the brow chakra thus enhancing focus and psychic energies.

Opal Aura quartz is clear quartz with a platinum coating.  It has a pearl-like sheen and iridescence.  It cleanses the aura and stimulates all chakras.  It's a crystal of joy, hope and optimism.  It helps with meditation, romance, and love.   It's beneficial in healing hurt and trauma as well.

Sunshine Aura quartz is bonded with gold and platinum and is bright yellow.  It is an active energy crystal, stimulating and cleansing the solar plexus chakra.  Disappointment, trauma and old hurts are overcome using this crystal.  It initiates the entire chakra system with health and energy.  It is expansive and protective in nature.

These are not all the aura quartz, new combinations of metals are found yearly to create new colors for these man-made crystals and "new" attributes will be ascribed to them.  

What do you think?  Do some look similar?  How would you personally use any of these crystals?  Would you use any of these crystals?  What does your gut tell you?  Do you feel that the metal coating intensifies and even changes the vibrational frequency of the clear quartz or do you feel that this coating acts as a blanket to dampen and even kill the natural vibration of a clear quartz crystal?  

I have my own strong opinion but wanted to present these man-made creations to you so you can understand what they are and ponder the effects of these crystals.  Do you feel new combinations create new energies?  Have you felt a difference in frequency between an aura quartz and a natural clear quartz?  If so, how would you describe it?  More broadly, how do you feel about manipulating natural energy and then trademarking it; creating a new name and ascribing new healing energies to the creation?  One thing is for sure. You will never ever see these quartz colors in nature.  

I'll leave it up to you since in the end we must follow our intuition and the vibrations we feel from the crystals and stones we work with.

Crystal blessings,

Crystal Guyde

Optimism & Positivity

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