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From the crystalGuyde:
We've all seen them for sale in crystal shops, metaphysical stores and online. But what exactly are "aura" quartz crystals? They have a shimmering iridescence and metallic rainbow sheen in interesting colors and can be quite intriguing.
These begin as clear quartz crystals and with modern technology, a mist of atoms of precious metals are bonded to the crystal's surface by a process called atomic vapor deposition (AVD) or chemical vapor deposition (CVD). This creates a permanent bond of the precious metal to the clear quartz crystal and creates a unique iridescent metallic appearance. Crystals are placed into a vacuum chamber and heated to over 800°C at which point a vapor of precious metal(s) is added which then coats the crystal and its atoms bond to the surface. Metals most often used are gold, silver, platinum, titanium, iron, magnesium, and nickel.
Many believe that the combination of clear quartz with these metals creates a "new" energy and intensifies that found in natural clear quartz. Differing metals create different colors and certain metaphysical attributes have been given to these aura quartz colors. Each colour has its own set of magick properties alongside its coating of precious metal. Some say that because of this it creates a completely different vibratory energy than the clear quartz alone which emanates from the different colors created to stimulate the relevant chakra associated with the color of the aura quartz. The metals intensify the effect of the clear quartz while adding an extra oomph of energy by virtue of the color created and the metal(s) used to create it.
Many healers say the unusual colors created by this method emit new sets of energies to expand consciousness and heal the physical and spiritual bodies and even raise the vibration of the original clear quartz. It's said that aura quartz posses unique energies which come from the combination of clear quartz with gold, silver, platinum, and titanium. This bonding technique creates an extremely thin layer of color over the clear quartz so be careful not to chip these unique man-made creations. When chipped you can see the underlying clear quartz.
So, let's have a look at different kinds of aura quartz and what attributes they have.
Aqua Aura Quartz is clear quartz with a coating of gold. It is light blue which connects us to our higher self, allowing us to speak honestly with clarity of mind. It removes insecurities and aids in communication and empowerment.
Angel Aura quartz which is also called Opal Aura or Unicorn Aura quartz. It is a quartz crystal with a coating of silver and platinum. People indicate this type of aura quartz crystal has a calming effect and brings inner peace and confidence, bolstering our intuitions.
Rose Aura quartz has a platinum coating which creates a raspberry metallic sheen. This is said to emit the vibration of unconditional love and help you understand your spiritual purpose, clearing the mind by deflecting any negative energies. It is uplifting and gentle and helps with questions of self-worth. It guides us to unconditional love of Self.
Amethyst Aura (Lavender Aura) quartz is one that is coated with a combination of platinum, magnesium and silver. These iridescent purple crystals can give feelings of wholeness, happiness and joy. It is said that they channel nature spirits and attract fairies.
Champagne Aura crystals are pale gold in color by virtue of being coated in gold and iron. These crystals can act as a purifier by removing blockages and allowing inner vibrations to become calm. It's said these aura crystals can stop negative thinking and protect against unwanted energy.
Tangerine Aura (Sun Aura) quartz has a coating of gold and iron oxide on it. It's vibrant orange can awaken the brow chakra and heal symptoms of trauma or shock.
Tanzine Aura (Indigo Aura) quartz is coated with gold, indium and niobium. Its tanzanite-like color deepens your abilities of perception and clarifies your intuition. It's great for psychics.
Apple Aura has a coating of nickel and gold giving it a pale yellow/green appearance. This is said to give you a positive outlook and stabilize emotions, while promoting mental endurance.
Flame Aura quartz has titanium and niobium bonded to clear quartz, creating deep blue, violet and gold colors. This is used in spiritual initiations and rituals, helps in meditation by creating a multi-dimensional energy shift. It stimulates the brow chakra thus enhancing focus and psychic energies.
Opal Aura quartz is clear quartz with a platinum coating. It has a pearl-like sheen and iridescence. It cleanses the aura and stimulates all chakras. It's a crystal of joy, hope and optimism. It helps with meditation, romance, and love. It's beneficial in healing hurt and trauma as well.
Sunshine Aura quartz is bonded with gold and platinum and is bright yellow. It is an active energy crystal, stimulating and cleansing the solar plexus chakra. Disappointment, trauma and old hurts are overcome using this crystal. It initiates the entire chakra system with health and energy. It is expansive and protective in nature.
These are not all the aura quartz, new combinations of metals are found yearly to create new colors for these man-made crystals and "new" attributes will be ascribed to them.
What do you think? Do some look similar? How would you personally use any of these crystals? Would you use any of these crystals? What does your gut tell you? Do you feel that the metal coating intensifies and even changes the vibrational frequency of the clear quartz or do you feel that this coating acts as a blanket to dampen and even kill the natural vibration of a clear quartz crystal?
I have my own strong opinion but wanted to present these man-made creations to you so you can understand what they are and ponder the effects of these crystals. Do you feel new combinations create new energies? Have you felt a difference in frequency between an aura quartz and a natural clear quartz? If so, how would you describe it? More broadly, how do you feel about manipulating natural energy and then trademarking it; creating a new name and ascribing new healing energies to the creation? One thing is for sure. You will never ever see these quartz colors in nature.
I'll leave it up to you since in the end we must follow our intuition and the vibrations we feel from the crystals and stones we work with.
Crystal blessings,
Crystal Guyde