Thursday, September 23, 2021


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From the crystalGuyde:


Dragons have widely been dismissed as legend, but we all know that behind legend is a bit of truth.  Seers and psychics have said that dragons, griffins, unicorns and other supposed mythical animals have ascended to the fourth dimension.  Once in a while, the dimensions merge and we glimpse a dragon in dreamstate or see something in the night.  The Merlin of Britain was an adept at dragon magick.  The Chinese have several kinds of dragons apparent in daily life.  In the Far East, dragons are not myth but reality.  Let's explore that a little bit more and suspend some of our Western bias. 

Dragon symbolism plays heavily in the Celtic culture of England, Scotland and Wales.  It is associated with all four elements and cardinal directions.  To the Druids, Dragons represented vitality, the psychic self, ancient wisdom and the power of creation itself.  Stories of dragons protecting the secret and sacred entryways to other realms are common in Celtic writings and Druid folklore.  

It is no surprise to discover a Red Dragon on the flag of Wales. The motto roughly translates as ‘the Red Dragon leads us’. Unlike many European tales, Dragons have strong benevolent tendencies, only harming when evil rears its ugly head.  

Throughout Celtic realms what we call Ley Lines are called Dragon Lines. This ties Dragon Spirit to Geomancy and the forces that connect all things on the Earth together. Stonehenge is thought to have been the ancient resting ground for travelling Dragons. Gives the phrase, “ley of the land” whole new meaning, doesn’t it? 

The Anglo Saxon word for Dragon means “clear seer”. This implies that the Celts considered the Dragons as prophets and true seers with great wisdom. In fact, seeing a Dragon was regarded as a great omen of good health and plentiful harvest. Even into modern times the Dragon is respected akin to the Gods as a protector of Mother Earth.  Perhaps this is why the legends say that dragons are notorious for hoarding treasure.  Are they  hoarding or are they protecting from human greed?

Dragons can be amazing protectors, guides and guardians.  The dragon is a powerful spiritual ally.  They have existed throughout all cultures (remember the Aztec god Quetzelcoatl?) and these powerful creatures can appear to you as spirit guides, offering wisdom, guidance and support.  A dragon ally means you're spiritual journey is about to embark into new territory.  The dragon represents a new chapter in your ascension.

If you wish to see a dragon or work with dragons, always keep in mind your own protection.  Summon a circle, call the elements or meditate on a circle of white flaming light surrounding you.

To attract a dragon to you, create a gemstone bowl.  It appears that dragons prefer natural stones to polished as the natural stones retain more earth energies.   In this they are very  much like the Fey Folk.  

Place the dragon bowl in a special spot.  You may even place the stones in a circle and forget about the bowl.  Appropriate stones are set in your special place to help attract and hold the attention of the dragon upon which you call.  Since circles of stones tend to concentrate and amplify energy raised within their boundaries, using stones set around a candle will intensify the magickal energies used for manifestation.

Dragons are plentiful and there are dragons for each element.  If you wish to attract a water dragon, use water-related stones (how about a pearl?) and crystals and even a bowl of fresh water to scry in. If an earth dragon is more your style, concentrate on the earth stones of green, brown and black (try a moss agate, brown jasper combination).  Fire dragons prefer stones associated with the south, so rubies or fire agates are great.  If you are lucky enough to have a crystal with an internal fracture that resembles a dragon, use this as a centerpiece as its vibrations are already attuned to those of the dragons.

Some people are naturally inclined to attract dragons.  We all have our talents and gifts to which other energy forms are attracted.  However, you can attract a beneficial dragon ally for protection or spiritual growth.  It is up to you.  Dragons, akin to the Fey, are keen on knowing the state of your heart so be in the right frame of mind when you project the desire to contact and make friends with a dragon ally.  While meditating send out a thoughtform and ask the Universe to send you a dragon friend.  The dragons of India are said to very much enjoy spontaneity and music.  Perhaps joyfully improvise a dance to entice a dragon into your world.  And of course, you can simply ask or state your intention: that you walk the path of dragons with love and trust and friendship and invite a dragon friend into your life and home.

Dragons come in all shapes and sizes. Let go of preconceptions of what a dragon is and what it is not.  Allow the dragons of the fourth dimension to hear your call or feel your energies.  Soon you may be visited by  a dragon ally in your dreamstate.  Continue to request a dragon ally and eventually you will be rewarded with a wonderful friendship.

Please note that crystals called "dragon eggs" are polished septarian nodules and do nothing to attract dragons or embody dragon energy.  

crystal blessings,

Crystal Guyde


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