Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Chakras and Crystals

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From the crystalGuyde:


Chakras are energy vortices located within and without the body. In Sanskrit, the word "chakra" means "disk" or "wheel" of spinning energy. Most of us are aware of the seven chakras most commonly dealt with, but there are thousands.  Here we'll concentrate on the major seven.

The ultimate goal is to have energy pulsing freely up and down the chakra system so we use crystals and stones on an individual chakra that may blocked and in need of clearing and/or healing to facilitate the free flow of energy.  

For instance, the Heart chakra, shown above as green, has a secondary color of pink and is often visualized as a pink daisy with an emerald green center.  In this chakra we hold our self-worth and self-love.  This chakra gets blocked easily  as we get bombarded with messages that we're not good enough, wealthy enough, good looking enough, etc.  It harbors the hurt left after a break up with a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse where we question whether we were worth enough to keep them. This is where we store trauma. Using Rose Quartz, Morganite, Watermelon Tourmaline, Pink Calcite, etc. will clear and strengthen this chakra.  Since this chakra is so important to our feeliings of self-worth, self-love and self esteem, look forward to a blog post solely devoted to the heart chakra.

When working with chakras, first know the colors.  From bottom to top they follow the colors of the rainbow.  Red, Orange, Yellow, Green/Pink, Blue, Indigo, and Violet.  Each chakra has a name and is responsible for certain energies.

The Root chakra at the base of the spine vibrates to the color red and is responsible for the physical body and its connection to the earth and all life.  These include issues of survival (food, shelter, warmth, etc.)  This chakra is also represented by a coiled snake and referred to as kundalini energy, which involves passion.  This is why red roses symbolize love and passion for another.  

To work with the Root chakra, choose red stones.  Garnet, Sphalerite, Red Jasper, and Red Aventurine are good choices.  These stones strengthen the rRoot chakra.  To clear a blockage from the Root chakra select a red clearing stone, such as Red Calcite.  The calcite will absorb any random energies which are creating blockages in this chakra.

Our Throat chakra often gets blocked as well.  First, check out the color.  It resonates with the color blue.  Remember what the Throat chakra is for: communication.  So you would reach for blue frequency stones such as Blue Calcite, Blue Fluorite, Blue Topaz and Aquamarine to open and strengthen this chakra. 

In my years of doing crystal therapy, I've discovered that besides the Heart chakra, our Solar Splexus chakra gets the most bogged down.  You'll  know when it's energy is blocked.  The Solar Plexus chakra vibrates to the color yellow and is responsible for manifestation.  If you realize your life is not working as you desire or things you truly need and want are not manifesting for you, your Solar Plexus chakra is out of balance.  Since it uses the yellow frequency, reach for your yellow crystals and stones...Yellow Calcite, Yellow Sapphire, Yellow Sunstone, Citrine, etc.  These will vibrate with the correct frequency to clear, cleanse and strengthen the solar plexus chakra.

Now that you know the seven major chakras in the human vibrational system, you can be aware if something feels 'off.'  When you feel this, reach for a stone or crystal of the correct color and place it on the chakra (or just hold it) and the compatible frequencies will realign that specific chakra.  

Remember that Clear Quartz crystal is an all-purpose cleanser and amplifier so if you are in doubt,  find your clear quartz until you an narrow down the issue at hand and find the correct stone for the correct chakra.

Crystal Blessings,

Crystal Guyde

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Stones and Crystals for Manifestation


click here to listen to Solfeggio Crystal Frequencies

From the crystalGuyde:

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                    BEST CRYSTALS and STONES

                    FOR MANIFESTATION

We all want to manifest what we need, want, deserve and desire.  There are several ways to begin this manifestation,  from candle magick to tarot spell magick and straight forward Wiccan magickal workings.  I'd like to discuss how to use citrine and red garnet crystals in your manifestation work.

Citrine has often been  known as the the merchant's stone due to its uncanny ability to attract wealth.  When combined with garnet, symbolizing the root chakra, it becomes a powerhouse duo of crystals.

The yellow of citrine works with the solar plexus; the manifestation center of the chakra system.  All your wants, needs, hopes and desires settle there and are empowered from there.  Your intentions create vibrations.  Your vibrations are amplified by the vibrations of citrine and garnet crystals, sending your thoughts, dreams, visions and desires into the Universe.  We think of this as programming a crystal


Citrine's vibration matches that of the solar plexus chakra.  This is the storehouse of all our desires; it holds our strength for manifesting that which we need, want, deserve and desire.  Program your citrine and allow it to rest.  You need not continue to program it as citrine will  hold your thoughtform vibrations until it is cleared and cleansed.  


Garnet's deep red colour (pyrope garnet or dark orange hessonite garnet) resonates with the root and solar plexus chakras.  This chakra is the survival chakra.  All we need to survive, to succeed and flourish depends on having a strong base.  We cannot build on a house of cards, so be certain of your needs and desires before you program garnet.  Place the garnet and citrine next to each other.  Their vibratory energies will be sustained and your intentions will be broadcast to the Universe with the strongest manifestation frequency.



To increase the vibrational frequency of your manifestation work, add a clear quartz manifestation crystal.  These are extremely rare, high-vibration crystals where one or several complete crystals are completely encased in a large quartz crystal.  These unique crystals seem pregnant with possibilities and are easy to program.  Concentrate on the inner baby crystal, send your thoughtforms and intentions into the enclosed crystal.  This will vibrate and increase the frequency of your manifestation work, amplify and focus the frequencies of citrine and garnet, enhance your intent and bring about a speedy effect.

The best time to do manifestation work is at the new moon, Beltane and Samhain.  The new moon is about new beginnings and setting intentions as to what we want to manifest.  If you will, consider the new moon as a clean slate, a time for clearing your mind and making an intentional plan for manifestation work.

Crystal blessings,

    Crystal Guyde

Bonus Tip: When we talk about manifestation, our first thoughts go to financial wealth.  But consider that which you truly need, want, deserve and desire.  Perhaps you wish to manifest more friends into your life or a more pleasant social calendar.  Perhaps in this moment you need to manifest emotional, mental or physical healing.  This is where the power of intention comes into play.  Truly clear your mind and visualize that which you need to manifest, with a clear and cleansed heart.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

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from the crystalGuyde:


Wednesday December 16, the crystalGuyde will be hosting a zoom workshop for Santosha Holistic Center.  The class will be from 7pm till 8:30 pm, New York time.  

Crystal Curious? Learn All About Quartz Crystals with Rev. David Lewis  

1 hour 30 minutes @ $25.00 

Are you curious about crystals, crystal energies and crystal consciousness? Are you attracted to crystals and want to know more? This workshop covers how to identify and use different crystals in the quartz family. Learn how quartz crystals geologically grow, scientifically and vibrationally work and discuss their properties of amethyst, citrine, clear, rose and smokey quartz. Learn how to clear, cleanse and program your your crystals. You need your own clear Quartz crystal for the guided workshop exercises.

Click on the below to register.  I hope to see many of you there.


 Crystal Guyde

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Best Stones and Crystals for a Good Night's Sleep

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From the crystalGuyde:

Hi Everyone,

Sleep is incredibly important to our physical, mental and emotional well being.  We all know it and yet so many of us are sleep deprived.  Perhaps you have a bedtime ritual.  You may make certain that all the doors and windows are shut and locked, the dogs have gone out for the last time, your children are asleep, your alarm is set for tomorrow, you've brushed your teeth, the temperature is right, and you climb into bed.  Routines help us wind down and signal to our minds that it's time for sleep.  And yet, an hour later, we're still awake.  Our minds are racing with thoughts.  What did I forget at the grocery store today?  Should I do the laundry tomorrow or can it wait one more day?  Did I turn off the laundry room light?  Do the dogs have water?  What should I wear to work tomorrow?  Did I take out the chicken to thaw for tomorrow's dinner?  

Ok, enough.  By this time you've worked yourself up into an anxiety-ridden state of mind.  No wonder sleep won't come easily.  But, before you reach for any over-the-counter sleeping aid or toss and turn and never get a restorative sleep, try adding crystals and stones to your bedtime routine.  Below are some of the best crystals and stones to aid in having a deep, relaxing sleep.


Amethyst we know is the perfect stone companion for meditation.  It helps us achieve a state of relaxation to connect with the Universal Mind.  It's a crystal that reduces our stress and anxiety and enhances our connection with the spiritual realms and can intensify dreams.  

Two thoughts on amethyst as a sleeping crystal. For you,  amethyst may be a wonderful relaxing stone and ease you into a wonderful night's slumber.  Or, like me, amethyst may initiate spiritual downloads that you spend all night processing.  Amethyst opens the crown chakra and allows Divine Wisdom to come pouring in.  That's fantastic for meditation, perhaps not so much for a recuperative sleep.  Try it and see what happens.  If, like me, your mind is still racing, that's okay;  save amethyst for meditation pursuits.


Have you ever gone to bed and roll over to keep checking the clock?  You realize it's 1am, then it's 2:30, then it's 3am.  Pretty frustrating isn't it?  Your mind is still racing and just can't stop.  Perhaps you realize you're having conversations in your mind with your boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse, son/daughter, boss, etc.  How in the world is this helping you get a restorative sleep?  It's not.  Blue chalcedony stops the noise.  It brings calmness and peace.  The noise in your mind stills when blue chalcedony is around.  As a side note, this is my personal go-to stone for sleep.  


Celestite is a very calming stone.  It does have high vibrations but it's a relaxing water energy crystal.  It's high frequency water energies enhance serenity and is excellent for communication with your angelic friends.  Celestite can enhance your dream state and help in remembering them upon waking.   Give it a try.


Blue angelite is a wonderful soothing stone.  It helps you stay asleep and encourages lucid dreaming.  Like celestite, angelite can connect you to your angelic guides and helps in remembrance of dreams.  Angelite is also a wonderful stone for absorbing any anger vibrations you may be holding on to that are a barrier to a calming sleep state.


We've talked about lepidolite many times before so here our good friend shows up to help us with our sleeping routine.  Lepidolite balances our emotions and calms our thoughts, it releases worry and fear and anxiety.  This is exactly what we need to slow down and slide into the dreamscape.  Lepidolite has an added benefit insofar as it prevents nightmares.


Rose quartz is here again to remind us that sleep time is our time to heal and process.  Its comforting and compassionate energies protect and heal our heart chakra.  Rose quartz guards us when it is time turn our energies inward to take care of ourselves.  Try rose quartz first during your bedtime routine and see how it affects you.


And here is our good friend selenite.  Attuned to lunar energies, selenite guides us into the perfect mindset for slumber: calm and clear.  

When thinking of stones and crystals to use to help us sleep, you can put them on your bedside table or perhaps under your pillow or somewhere that you can hold the stone during the night.  With crystal energies and sleep, remember that less is more.  You don't want crystal vibrations keeping you amped up at night.  Try a few of the above stones and crystals, see which work and then prepare your sleeping space by having as few other crystals in it as possible.  Never have a crystal termination pointed at you while you sleep; that would be energy overload.  

Give it a go and have sweet dreams

Crystal Blessings,

Crystal Guyde

This blog contains affiliate links to products where I may receive a commission for any purchases made at no additional cost to you.  Thanks for your support.

From the CrystalGuyde:

Hi Everyone,

On Wednesday December 16, I'll be hosting a zoom workshop for Santosha Holistic Center.  The class will be from 7pm till 8:30 pm, New York time.  

Crystal Curious? Learn All About Quartz Crystals with Rev. David Lewis  

1 hour 30 minutes @ $25.00 

Are you curious about crystals, crystal energies and crystal consciousness? Are you attracted to crystals and want to know more? This workshop covers how to identify and use different crystals in the quartz family. Learn how quartz crystals geologically grow, scientifically and vibrationally work and discuss their properties of amethyst, citrine, clear, rose and smokey quartz. Learn how to clear, cleanse and program your your crystals. You need your own clear Quartz crystal for the guided workshop exercise.

Click on the below to register.  I hope to see many of you there.


 Crystal Guyde

Optimism & Positivity

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